
Showing posts from May, 2018

The Stars

They saw one another from across the park. The sun was setting low after a long day in the sky, the air still humid enough to make your skin glisten and your clothes stick. Rowers remained on the river, their oars cutting through the water with practiced ease. Boats leisurely passed by, their tables full of wine and the day’s food, their occupants sun-kissed and merry.   Her blonde hair shone as she jumped off the swings and walked towards him, a smile on her face. His feet swayed on the edge of the water, toes dipping in with every swing - his hideaway for the day. His book rested on his lap as she walked closer. “Can I sit here?” she asked, her smile dazzling him. “Erm, sure” he replied, his eyes quickly looking towards her, then looking away. She took off her ballet pumps, dipping her feet in the cool water, watching the ripples stretch out around them.  He had seen her before, but always from a distance. She was in the same school as him, and were often in the same c

Hello and welcome back!

Hello all!  Long time no see, I hope you are all well and looking forward to a proper Summer. It's currently raining outside, and rather damn chilly here. Where has that Sun gone?! As some of you know, I have recently challenged myself and started writing fiction, after partaking in the *brilliant* Don't be a Writer, be a Storyteller writing course by Laura Jane Williams (you may know her from the brilliant book - Ice Cream for Breakfast).  It taught me loads about writing, but seems to have unlocked a bit of courage lately. After a bit of a pause, life seems to be looking up a bit (my fingers are firmly crossed, dear Reader).  Anyway, I digress. Part of that courage is to start sharing some of the writing that I have been working on. I haven't quite figured out whether this will be in the form of multiple short stories, or building on top of what has been written, but let's see how we go, right?  I would love to have some feedback about what you think. What you