
Showing posts from November, 2017

Waving Through a Window

Some of you may know that I am a *bit* of a Disney / theatre geek. There's a song I've been listening to on repeat lately, and a frankly awful day at work today has finally made it click into place. That song is "Waving Through a Window" in my new favourite musical ( sorry, Lin ), Dear Evan Hansen. The show follows a teen with social anxiety, after the death of another student to suicide ( cheery, I know ). Anyway, I digress. The opening line is " I've learned to slam on the brake, before I even turn the key ". I've been relating to it thinking " yes, I always worry about the million-and-ten things that could go wrong before I do anything ". But today I've realised that it goes deeper than that. Because at the moment for me, that brake is firmly slammed on. The key is in my hand, not even nearly turning. After the London Bridge attack, I went to see a therapist. We spoke about what happened initially, then when the shock subsided,