
Showing posts from May, 2015

The Single Blues

Today I'm going to do the blog post that has become rather Taboo in this funny world of ours. The Single Person's post. This will probably not be a popular one, and I'm more than expecting lots of "are you ok?" type texts over the coming days (I'm fine). For those faint of heart, look away now. This week, one of my best friends got engaged. The happiness I feel for my best friend and her now fiancĂ© (scary) is total. They're an amazing couple, and I could not be happier for them. But with that, comes a bit of a conflict. Because as happy as I am for them, I'm also feeling a bit sad. A bit lonely. A bit, well, on the shelf. Don't get me wrong here, I'm not going to say I’ll be single forever, but it is difficult being in the "late 20's" and single when all your friends are settling down around you. You become the single person at parties, the one asked "how's your love life?" by pretty much everyone you see (word o