
Showing posts from 2015

Dementia : Time to Act!!!

Every so often as a nurse, I am invited to events that genuinely, and unexpectedly move me. They make me happy, sad, and also, quite angry. Yesterday was one of those occasions. Yesterday, I was asked to educate a group of people about the NHS 111 Service to a “Dementia Cafe” in Ealing. Presenting is something that I have no problem with, and so I went along.  The Dementia Cafe is set up by the charity Dementia Concern, who organise an evening where people with dementia, as well as their carers and loved ones are invited to come together to talk, to share stories, and to have an evening out. For some, it is just simply an occasion to ‘get out of the house’. Me talking was just a tiny part in the middle of their evening whilst coffee, tea (and wine!) was being served.    The evening was fantastic, they had a brilliant entertainer singing and getting everyone up dancing, and forgetting their troubles, and watching people come alive to music will live with me forever. That wa

The Single Blues

Today I'm going to do the blog post that has become rather Taboo in this funny world of ours. The Single Person's post. This will probably not be a popular one, and I'm more than expecting lots of "are you ok?" type texts over the coming days (I'm fine). For those faint of heart, look away now. This week, one of my best friends got engaged. The happiness I feel for my best friend and her now fiancĂ© (scary) is total. They're an amazing couple, and I could not be happier for them. But with that, comes a bit of a conflict. Because as happy as I am for them, I'm also feeling a bit sad. A bit lonely. A bit, well, on the shelf. Don't get me wrong here, I'm not going to say I’ll be single forever, but it is difficult being in the "late 20's" and single when all your friends are settling down around you. You become the single person at parties, the one asked "how's your love life?" by pretty much everyone you see (word o

Je Suis Charlie

I have an article written laid out in front of me. It is about social media, and my personal attachment to it. Today, I am sat here, about to type it up, but I feel there is something more important to write. That is, the terrible news from Paris, and the brutal assassination of the staff from Charlie Hebdo, as well as those killed in a Kosher Supermarket the following day. Everything seems quite trivial this week, apart from this news.  The main thought apart from the unbearable sadness and anger, is confusion. Confusion as to why people would have so much hatred in their lives that they choose what was essentially a suicide mission, taking other people’s lives with them, in the belief of.... what exactly? To spread fear? To cause hurt to people? To make people more paranoid? I don’t know. It certainly wasn’t in the name of Islam.   As for the fear - maybe they have done that in some way - people will probably look over their shoulders a bit more, for a time. For a time, the