
Showing posts from November, 2014

Remembrance Sunday: Lest We Forget

I always find Remembrance Sunday profoundly moving. For one day, politics is forgotten. For one day, debates over why the wars happened, and for what reason cease. Instead, we remember those who did give up their lives for us, and the many more affected by war. The numbers are staggering. Millions of young men and women taken too soon. Many of them were just children really, in their late teens and early twenties. Those who came home often had their scars, either physical or psychological. As a nurse, I think of the nursing staff who served, and who are serving now. Particularly in the First and Second World Wars, it must have been terrifying seeing casualties coming into the field hospitals with little medical supplies and little medical experience to help. Seeing the hospital set up at Camp Bastion during a documentary, fully equipped with CT and MRI scanners, and fully equipped intensive care departments shows how far we have come. I owe a lot to the medical advances made in p